Action News

Issue 24 – Fall 2019

White Cowboy Hats

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
~Romans 12:21

Good vs. Evil is the theme of our favorite shows, our favorite novels, and lessons from history. For anyone who loves cowboy movies and understands this genre, the white cowboy hats always win in the end. The climax of any good story builds to evil nearly taking over and then good passes in the inside lane. There is something about “good” winning the day that delights our spirit. It is the struggle in the human condition put on display. We are always thrilled when we see these victory stories come true in the past or the present.

We recently lost an important member of my family. Although my mom’s second husband, Frank, only joined our family for 2 + years it was an honour to spend the last days of his life with him. Born in The Netherlands, he knew life in Europe before WWII, during WWII, and post WWII. When he and his first wife moved to our community (I was a child), I remember they brought with them the stories and memories of being isolated in their communities due to the war. Stories that Canadian civilians only read about in newspapers were played out before this man’s eyes.

Despite the fact that The Netherlands tried to establish a neutral stance politically, they were invaded by Germany in 1940. My mom’s husband spent a significant part of his childhood growing up in a German occupied (Nazi controlled) society in The Netherlands. This meant that all forms of communication would be cut off, including the radio and the newspaper. While they were right in the center of that war, they had no real idea of what was going on; Frank and his friends would lie on their backs with the airplanes zooming through the sky. By the end of Nazi rule, supplies were getting very lean, food was getting scarce and Frank remembers his mother boiling tulip bulbs to keep the family fed. All of this reminds me of the enemy of our souls who always takes more than he gives.

When Frank immigrated to Canada in 1982 he got to know some of the veterans, in our community. After comparing notes with one Canadian veteran, Frank figured he was either in or near his community on that wonderful day of liberty for the people of The Netherlands. The Dutch people were free of evil--Nazi rule--through the hard work, courage and great sacrifices of Canadian and other Allied soldiers, the remaining German forces in the country surrendered on May 5, 1945, finally liberating all of the Netherlands (Wikipedia). When we read this story in the history book we cheer inwardly. I feel blessed that Canada’s history has our brave soldiers wearing those figurative white cowboy hats and brave enough to face evil and work to eradicate it. Frank (my mother’s husband) said it was a wonderful day in his town when his people were no longer kept captive and dominated by evil forces. Because of the isolation and lack of supplies the kids hadn’t had treats of any sort in quite some time. He said the Canadian soldiers threw chocolate bars in the streets that day of celebration May 5th, 1945. He said it was a day no one who was part of it would ever forget.

Good versus evil is the pull and tug in our soul from the day we are born. When the fall of man happened in Genesis chapter 3, evil entered the world and became part of our day to day existence. It is interesting that even an atheist can see who the good “guys” and bad “guys” were in World Wars. This is proof that the Bible is true and that the general revelation around us gives us a moral compass.

The Christian Action Federation is working to provide youth with “roadmap” advice for making choices to live their lives. The redeemer of our souls does more than push back the forces of evil; He obliterates it, giving us victory over our sin nature when we invite Him. Thank you for your prayers as we seek to serve the youth of our region by offering a light (God’s Word) for their path. We want them, not to be overcome by evil, but to overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21 


Get the Conversation Started

With the help of CAFNB you can get the conversations started this year at: youth services, youth groups, school groups, parent gatherings, mission committees, and more.

Marsha’s Comings & Goings

by Marsha Boyd-Mitchell, CAFNB Executive Director

These have been busy and rewarding days traveling and speaking for CAFNB. This fall I have enjoyed developing a preventative education presentation called High(er) warning about the use of recreational cannabis, alcohol, e-cigarettes, and the fentanyl crisis. I had the privilege of presenting this presentation at the Association of Christian School World Concerns Days for teens. I had the opportunity to share this to over 200 teens between two days in Sussex, NB and Toronto, Ontario.

A senior’s group, Kingston Peninsula Pearls, were attentive as I shared with them about strength of an intergenerational life. I love to speak to groups of seniors and encourage them to be involved in the lives of their grandchildren and great-grandchildren; young people need seniors and seniors need young people.

First Moncton WMS welcomed me to speak to their group. I brought them up to date on the new presentation High(er) and talked to them about the challenge’s youth face today with choices about substance. I always appreciate connecting to these groups that are so faithful to pray for the work of CAFNB.

I look forward to sharing with the congregation of French Lake in few weeks. I will be sharing this month during chapel service at NBBI. New Life Mission is a wonderful outreach to kids after school in Moncton. I look forward to speaking to the kids at the program at the end of the month.

Please contact me or (506) 433-4005 at the office to set up a time to get the conversation started.


~ Marsha


Gerald Dawson, Mary Elizabeth Dawson, Helen Saulnier, and Edward Saulnier

by Bruce and Betty Peacock

Kendrick Lacey

by Alice Gilmore