Born to Trouble
Identifying bullying can be a difficult task. This conversation was developed for young people preparing to work as camp counsellors, but is useful for all youth workers. Job 5and verse 7 helps us to understand the root of conflict and several other verses guide us in helping to bring peace to struggling relationships.
Youth Depressive Disorder is on the rise in our culture. Youth workers and leaders are on the front lines of identifying teens who are at risk for depression, anxiety, and/or suicide. This conversation begins with looking at the warning signs and how to be gatekeepers in your sphere of influence for youth.
Our world is changing rapidly. Digital technology has accelerated the rate of change in the 21st Century. Understanding these and other concepts surrounding our digital times helps us to build a personal philosophy. This philosophy helps us act and react with our gadgets and online capabilities—join the conversation.
Social media, substance, peer pressure, and media choices are all topics of discussion when looking at 21st Century teens. This conversation is well suited for those church groups looking to reach out to youth and understand the challenges that our teens are facing during these days. Proverbs 3:7-8 is our guide as we discover how God wants our students to live. This presentation provides an overview the conversations CAFNB has to offer your congregation.